Website Proudly created by ZAZU Creative Studio

A philanthropic missioned coffee company, seeking to use storytelling and gathering tables as key components to create and promote unity within the local community and city; Standing with the belief that together, we are capable of more than we ever could do alone.
Monday- Thursday 7am-4pm
Friday-Sunday 8am-5pm

At the core we believe in creativity. That it connects us, speaks to us, and is ingrained in us.
We believe in the power it has to heal, to strengthen, and to bring us all together, crafting a sense of unity, a sense of peace.
We believe in quality, that you deserve it, and as artisans it’s what we do.
And, we believe in community and the ability it has to heal and strengthen.
This is who we are: Crafting impact through a solid cup of coffee, and space that embraces you.

Contact Us: gatheringcoffeeco@gmail.com